What is Landart?

Well I'm going to try to define this as clear as possible.  I consider land art to be a bit different than landscaping.  I want as a company to be know for uniquely memorable design.  Most landscaping companies do excellent work all around us, but I want to set myself apart from them and offer my clients a unique and personalized experience.

Some customers just want to blend in with their neighbours; they are not ready to step out of the statuquo and be different.  Well that's good if that's what they want; I can still help you don't worry.  But I want to cater mostly to the ones that want their friends and family to enjoy the outdoors and feel at home even outside.

Wouldn't you agree that today's society lives mostly indoors and take for granted the beauties of their backyard? Well at Biddington's Land Art we'll create your outdoor living space with joy and creativity.

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