Ken Biddington - Owner
Ken started this company as a hobby. He is passionate for the outdoors, the beauty of plants, arts and construction. His full-time job is a teacher at CCNB (Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick - Campus de Dieppe) in the business department. His strenghts are in artistic landscaping design and fabrication of cedar products.

Nancy Biddington
(Picture to follow)
She's my helpmeet and adviser. Nancy helps out with the accounting and the blog.
John Quigley
(picture to come)
John is passionate about learning all there is to know about stone work. He has been with the company since 2011.
Yves Cormier
(picture to come)
Yves is in the learning curve. We do many things and he is absorbing it all in. He started in the fall of 2011.
Steve Bossé - 'The Lawn Expert'
(picture to come)
Steve adds vision and leadership to the company. He's a steady worker that understands what need to be done and how to do it. He's been with the comapany since summer 2011. Steve just graduated from college with a diploma in finance.
Aaron Biddington
(picture to follow)
Aaron is a great help to the business. He's knows what needs to be done on the jobsite and demonstrate leadership in doing it.
Keila Biddington
(Picture to follow)
Keila like to help her father in the accounting and office side of the business.
James Biddington
(Picture to follow)
James is an eager worker, takes the task and runs with it!
George Meunier
(picture to follow)
George is a true ' handyman'. I sub some jobs to him and I know that it is in good hands. He is planning on going full-time for his own eventually and we are happy to help him out.
Chad Meunier
(picture to follow)
Chad likes to help out in whatever he can do. He works part-time for us.
Romeo Leblanc
(picture to follow)
Romeo brings maturity to the team, he's a great painter. He works part-time for us.
Ken started this company as a hobby. He is passionate for the outdoors, the beauty of plants, arts and construction. His full-time job is a teacher at CCNB (Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick - Campus de Dieppe) in the business department. His strenghts are in artistic landscaping design and fabrication of cedar products.
Nancy Biddington
(Picture to follow)
She's my helpmeet and adviser. Nancy helps out with the accounting and the blog.
John Quigley
(picture to come)
John is passionate about learning all there is to know about stone work. He has been with the company since 2011.
Yves Cormier
(picture to come)
Yves is in the learning curve. We do many things and he is absorbing it all in. He started in the fall of 2011.
Steve Bossé - 'The Lawn Expert'
(picture to come)
Steve adds vision and leadership to the company. He's a steady worker that understands what need to be done and how to do it. He's been with the comapany since summer 2011. Steve just graduated from college with a diploma in finance.
Aaron Biddington
(picture to follow)
Aaron is a great help to the business. He's knows what needs to be done on the jobsite and demonstrate leadership in doing it.
Keila Biddington
(Picture to follow)
Keila like to help her father in the accounting and office side of the business.
James Biddington
(Picture to follow)
James is an eager worker, takes the task and runs with it!
George Meunier
(picture to follow)
George is a true ' handyman'. I sub some jobs to him and I know that it is in good hands. He is planning on going full-time for his own eventually and we are happy to help him out.
Chad Meunier
(picture to follow)
Chad likes to help out in whatever he can do. He works part-time for us.
Romeo Leblanc
(picture to follow)
Romeo brings maturity to the team, he's a great painter. He works part-time for us.